From Novice to Virtuoso – Uncover the Best Vocal Training Techniques for Choir Success

Are you a choir member striving to enhance your singing talent? It's crucial to know that great choral music goes beyond hitting the correct notes. This article will guide you through effective vocal training techniques necessary for improving your vocal skills.

Get ready to fine-tune your voice and experience an impressive transformation in your choral performance!

Key Takeaways

  • Vocal training is essential for choir singers to improve their singing skills and produce better sound.
  • Effective vocal training techniques include releasing vocal tension, improving head voice, increasing vocal resonance, maintaining proper mouth position for vowels, releasing tongue and jaw tension, and mastering the pronunciation of vowels in singing.
  • Incorporating warm-up exercises like the Yawn-Sigh Technique, Humming Warm-Ups, Lip Buzz Vocal Warm-Up, Tongue Trill Exercise, and Two-Octave Pitch Glide Warm-Up can help choir singers loosen up their bodies and voices, improve breath control and vocal resonance.
  • Proper breathing techniques such as singing from your diaphragm and exhaling on a hiss are crucial for developing power, control, tone quality in your voice. They also enhance overall performance quality.


The Importance of Vocal Training for Choirs


Vocal training is a must for all choir singers. It helps you sing in the right way. You learn things like how to hold your mouth and where to put your tongue. This makes your singing sound better.

Plus, proper vocal training can stop damage to your voice.

They tackle issues such as breath control and correct pronunciation.

Without good vocal training, a choir can't sound its best. Each singer needs to know how much air to take in and let out when they're singing different notes. With the right training, everyone sings together in harmony.

The Kodály HUB was made under an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Program called Kodály HUB - Sing, Learn, Share. It offers tools for teachers so that their students can get even better at singing every day.


Essential Vocal Training Techniques


To achieve effective vocal training for choirs, it is important to focus on essential techniques such as releasing vocal tension, improving head voice, increasing vocal resonance, maintaining proper mouth position for vowels, releasing tongue and jaw tension, and mastering the pronunciation of vowels in singing.


Releasing Vocal Tension

To sing well, you must let go of vocal tension. Vocal tension can dampen the sound and make singing hard. 

In these videos, she shows ways to spot and get rid of issues with vocal production.

One way is by doing easy flowing movement exercises. These tasks relax your body and help your voice flow out instead of getting stuck. They also improve your breathing which is key to good singing.

This helps stop any strain in your throat or neck when you sing high notes or hold a note for a long time. So, start using this method in choir rehearsals and at-home practice for better vocals.

Improving Head Voice

Head voice is key in singing. It gives a high, clear sound. Videos on the webpage help singers boost this skill. They give exercises to fix head voice problems. These drills are fun and easy to do at home or during choir rehearsals.

All you need is time and focus! You can use these tips for your everyday singing program too. The more you practice, the better your head voice will be!

Increasing Vocal Resonance

Singers, listen up! Vocal resonance gives power to your voice without strain. It's a key skill for all choir singers.

In these videos, she shows how to spot and solve problems with vocal production. Practice this at home or during choir practice for best results! The Kodály HUB also offers more tips and tricks on boosting your vocal resonance.

It's an online tool you can use any time you want!

Proper Mouth Position for Vowels

To produce clear and resonant vowel sounds while singing, it's important to have the proper mouth position. This means shaping your mouth in a specific way for each vowel sound. For example, when singing the "ee" sound as in "see," you should form a smile shape with your lips and keep your tongue relaxed and high in the back of your mouth.

On the other hand, for the "ah" sound as in "car," you should open your mouth wider and drop your jaw slightly. By practicing these different mouth positions for each vowel sound, you can improve the clarity and resonance of your singing voice.

Releasing Tongue and Jaw Tension

To improve your vocal skills, it's important to release tension in your tongue and jaw. This can help you sing with more clarity and ease.

These exercises are designed to help singers identify and fix problems related to tongue and jaw tension in their vocal production. Releasing tension in these areas is essential for young singers and choristers looking to improve their overall vocal abilities.

For additional resources on releasing tongue and jaw tension, you can also check out the Kodály HUB website.

Pronunciation of Vowels in Singing

In singing, the way we pronounce vowels is very important. It affects how our voice sounds and how well we can be understood. The videos created by Irene Verburg provide helpful tips on improving vowel pronunciation for choir singers.

By practicing proper mouth position and paying attention to vowel sounds, singers can improve their vocal clarity and resonance. These exercises address common issues with vowel pronunciation and offer strategies to fix them.

So if you want to sound your best when singing in a choir, make sure you pay attention to your vowel pronunciation!

Effective Warm-Up Exercises for Choirs


Choirs can benefit from incorporating warm-up exercises into their rehearsals, such as the Yawn-Sigh Technique, Humming Warm-Ups, Lip Buzz Vocal Warm-Up, Tongue Trill Exercise, and Two-Octave Pitch Glide Warm-Up.

These exercises help singers loosen up their bodies and voices, improve breath control and vocal resonance, and prepare for a successful rehearsal or performance. Explore these warm-up techniques to enhance your choir's vocal skills!


Yawn-Sigh Technique

The Yawn-Sigh Technique is a helpful warm-up exercise for choir singers. It can improve vocal skills and address vocal production, breathing, and pronunciation issues. The technique is demonstrated in videos on the webpage, which offer guidance on diagnosing and fixing vocal problems. The exercises cover topics like releasing vocal tension, improving head voice, increasing vocal resonance, and proper mouth position for vowels.

Humming Warm-Ups

Humming Warm-Ups are an important part of vocal training for choir singers. They help to warm up the voice and improve vocal technique. Here are some benefits and tips for incorporating humming warm-ups into your practice routine:


  1. Improves breath control: Humming requires controlled breath support, which helps strengthen your diaphragm muscles and improves overall breath control while singing.
  2. Enhances resonance: Humming exercises help to engage the resonators in your face and head, resulting in a richer and more resonant tone quality.
  3. Develops vocal flexibility: By practicing different pitches and intervals while humming, you can increase your vocal range and develop flexibility in your voice.
  4. Relaxes the throat muscles: Humming helps to relax the muscles in your throat, reducing tension and promoting a more relaxed singing technique.
  5. Increases focus and concentration: Humming warm-ups require focused attention on pitch accuracy, which helps improve your overall musicality and concentration during rehearsals or performances.
  • Start with gentle hums on comfortable pitches before gradually increasing the range.
  • Focus on maintaining a consistent airflow while humming.
  • Experiment with different vowel sounds while humming to explore different resonances.
  • Incorporate slides or glides between pitches to improve pitch accuracy.
  • Combine humming with other vocal exercises to maximize its benefits.


Lip Buzz Vocal Warm-Up

To warm up your voice, try the Lip Buzz Vocal Warm-Up. It helps with airflow and congestion. Here's how to do it:


  1. Relax your lips and keep them closed.
  2. Take a deep breath through your nose.
  3. As you exhale, gently vibrate your lips together, making a buzzing sound.
  4. Start with a low pitch and gradually move up to higher pitches.
  5. Repeat the exercise several times, focusing on maintaining a steady buzz.


Tongue Trill Exercise

The tongue trill exercise is an effective vocal warm-up for choir singers. It helps improve vocal skills and increase vocal resonance. To do the exercise, follow these steps:


  1. Relax your tongue and make it vibrate by blowing air through it.
  2. Start with a small trill and gradually increase the intensity.
  3. Keep your jaw relaxed and focus on creating a steady, even sound.
  4. Practice the exercise in different pitches and ranges to challenge yourself.


Two-Octave Pitch Glide Warm-Up

The Two-Octave Pitch Glide Warm-Up is a beneficial exercise for choir singers. It helps improve vocal skills and identify and fix any vocal issues. This warm-up exercise is especially helpful for young singers and choristers. The videos featuring this warm-up are created by Irene Verburg, the vocal coach of the National Youth Choir of the Netherlands.

Importance of Breathing Techniques in Singing

Proper breathing techniques are crucial for singers as they provide the necessary support and control for vocal production. Learn how to enhance your singing skills through effective breathing exercises.

Read more to take your choir performances to the next level.

Singing from Your Diaphragm

Singing from your diaphragm is important for choir singers because it helps improve the power, control, and tone of your voice. When you sing from your diaphragm, you use the muscles in your abdomen to support your breath and give you more vocal strength.

It also helps prevent strain on your voice by helping you use proper breathing techniques. One way to practice singing from your diaphragm is by exhaling on a hiss - this can help improve breath control and allow you to engage with your diaphragm while singing.

Remember to maintain good posture and keep a relaxed body when singing with the diaphragm. Vocal warm-ups are also recommended as they can help prepare your body and voice for singing with the diaphragm in a fun and effective way.

Exhaling on a Hiss

Exhaling on a hiss is an important breathing technique for singers. It helps improve breath control and allows you to engage your diaphragm while singing. By exhaling with a steady stream of air on a hissing sound, you can strengthen your breath support and produce a fuller tone.

This technique is beneficial for both individuals and choirs, as it enhances the overall quality of the performance. Incorporating exhaling on a hiss into your vocal training routine can help you become a better singer and make your performances even more impressive.


In conclusion, vocal training is crucial for choirs to improve their singing skills. By using techniques like releasing tension, improving head voice, and increasing vocal resonance, choir singers can enhance their performances.

With effective warm-up exercises and proper breathing techniques, they can further develop their abilities. So let's keep practicing and singing together to create beautiful harmonies!


1. What are some effective vocal training techniques for choirs?

Some good ways to train your voice in a choir include resonance exercises, dropping the larynx, and using descending triads on a vowel.

2. Who can help me learn more about choral training?

Zoltán Kodály from the Kodály Institute offers great tips on music pedagogy and hand signs for better choral training.

3. Are there any fun exercises I can do to warm up my voice before singing?

Yes! Lip trills, tongue twisters, counting exercises or laughter are just a few fun ideas to loosen up your body and voice before singing.

4. How can I improve my articulation when singing in a choir?

Practicing at home with major or minor scales will help. Also try vowel combinations and make sure you always use proper neck/head rolls for practice.

5. Can giving character voices improve my choir skills?

Yes! Trying out different character voices helps extend your vocal range which is useful during show rehearsals.

6. Are there resources available for chorus management?

There are lots of helpful articles in this website, but there are also tools like the Choir Management Software and others that offer ticket sales strategies, fundraising guides, singer recruitment tips and even volunteer handbooks.